Thursday, May 24, 2007

Egg Shell Found With "ALLAH" Inscription

Miracles of Islam in this modern world are found everywhere. A staff member at the Ministry of Religious Affairs who resides in Kg. Terabau said his son had bought some eggs and he noticed that one of the egg shells was a little distorted.

Taking a closer look, he saw the word "Allah" inscribed on the egg. Hardly believing what he saw, the staff member brought the egg to a religious expert at his ministry who also verified that the egg shell had the writing "Allah" embedded on it.

It was not the first time that such a miracle had happened. Similarly strange discoveries have also been made in the past. On one occasion, a housewife who was about to fry an egg discovered that its shell had on it writings from the Kalimah, a revered Islamic text containing the phrase "There is No God but Allah".

.:Story originally published by:.
Borneo Bulletin / Borneo | Azlan Othman - May 04.06

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

masha allah haula wala kuwwatha illah billah